Your data is yours
Message from the Developer
You do not have to worry about anything, you can choose to not give us any data, it is possible to stay incognito using alfred \ We have snipe and AI feature, and none of these actually stores your information permanently. We store your guild ids for music and certain configuration like advanced security, i.e. if you enable it, by default, it comes as a clean slate. The music queue remains as it is. There's playlist for individuals, so we'll need user ID for that, or you can just not use the playlist feature
Support server
Now, you can have a look at the data we save, just by coming to our Support server.
Cleaning you data
If you're an owner of Alfred's mutual server, you need to prove that and we'll show you details about the server only, if you came in as a user, I can show you all the variables that you are in. We may need time to process that data
It's YOUR choice to remove your details from certain variable, have fun and have a nice day
Intents and Information regarding intents
We have message intent enabled as there's an AI which will respond to you, you can opt out of it using 'response
, it's a toggle switch, and when you edit a message to a command, this will auto respond to it. And unfortunately, on_reaction_add requires the message intent, which is a great part in alfred
Guild members intent is enabled for features like tickets, welcome messages and to know if the user is in a voice channel. It's for you to not get rickrolled
Here's a list of everything we collect
- Channel IDs for updates like security alert
- Channel and Server IDs for configuration
- Server IDs for prefix
If you see above, most of these are Server, User and Channel IDs, we do not store anything specific like list of channels, messages, etc.
All of these are optional, Alfred is a moderation, and memes bot, and we get your concern about your privacy, but it's as easy as joining our support server and opening a ticket.